LASIK eye surgery Little Rock


girls happy after lasik eye surgery in little rock Arkansas

Benefits of Lasik Eye Surgery

  • Immediately Clearer, Better Vision
  • Improved Self-Confidence
  • Permanent Vision Improvements
  • No More Worrying About Glasses or Contacts
  • Save Money by Not Buying Glasses or Contacts

Our Services

What Can We Offer

Our highly skilled eye care professionals are dedicated to providing patient care in a safe, comfortable environment using state-of-the-art equipment and technology.

Doctors performing Lasik eye surgery in little rock

LASIK & Cataract Surgery

We offer multiple corrective eye surgeries including LASIK. For many, LASIK can correct vision so that they no longer need to wear glasses or contact lenses. For cataract surgery, all of our surgeons perform “state-of-the-art” micro-incision surgery. Please call for a consultation if you have any questions about our treatments.

lasik eye surgery in little rock arkansas

LASIK is a Relatively Quick and Painless Procedure

LASIK is performed as an outpatient procedure, and you will likely head home around two hours later. If you are feeling a little nervous, you can request a mild sedative to help calm your nerves— but rest assured, prior to the procedure, your eye surgeon will insert numbing eye drops to ensure that you don’t feel any discomfort.

lasik eye surgery in little rock AK results

Recovery Usually Takes a Few Days

Improved vision clarity is generally noticed immediately following the procedure, with complete recovery and stable clear vision, occurring within a few days. Most eye doctors recommend that you take a few days off from work to allow your eyes to completely heal following your procedure

lasik surgery eye patient

Comprehensive Care

LASIK Can Now Correct All Types of Refractive Errors

LASIK, or other forms of vision correction surgery can improve the most common types of refractive errors including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism and presbyopia.


Request A Consultation With

LASIK eye surgery center for vision correction

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1 (800) 537-8054

Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30-5pm

3 Locations

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